I just got back from loading up and driving a slow rental truck from Knoxville, Tennessee to Colorado. Needless to say, I spent a great deal of time on Interstate 70.
Have you ever noticed that wherever extremely religious people are found, bizarre behavior or customs seem to prevail?
I tried to take a rough count of highway signs (billboards) along I-70 in Kansas and guess what? Adult Superstore billboards (porn) seemed to win by a large margin. In between all the porn superstore signs are primarily religious signs (Porn Destroys Families; Jesus Hates Abortion; etc., etc., etc.). Cute, eh?
Now… are the majority of customers for all these ‘porn superstores’ from out of state or just truckdrivers? I seriously doubt that. Although I’d prefer much fewer billboard advertisements along any highway, I have nothing against adult store advertisements in particular. In fact, if I had to choose between only religious or adult bookstore signs, I’d take the adult advertisements every time. (Guess that makes me a pervert, eh?)
Here’s my observation from living in nearly a dozen states & all the religious people (of many religions) I’ve known over the past several decades:
How extreme the religious beliefs a person has is directly proportional to how big a pervert that person is.
Now this is just a rule of thumb, and most certainly not always true. But it’s been more true than not in my experience.
P.S. In Missouri, they seem to prefer “Gentleman’s Club” vs. “Adult Superstore” with respect to billboard language. Isn’t that nice!