This comic titled “How to suck at your religion“ from “The Oatmeal” captures pretty much perfectly just how I feel about religion (and many religious people I know or have known).
Also check out The Oatmeal for “15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee.”
#1 by Kenn aka Keeper on July 30, 2012 - 21:04
Where did you find this, very enlightening to say the least. I keep coming back to see what’s new……
#2 by dawog on July 30, 2012 - 22:17
Hi Kenn…
They’re both from:
Check out these other two comics from Oatmeal:
– Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell
– Why Nikola Telsa was the greatest geek that ever lived
#3 by mcintyre386 on August 8, 2012 - 10:25
Another one I’m sure you’ll appreciate: